Code to generate dataset

This initial code scrapes the top user lists from a given VidStatsX url.

In [1]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import arrow

def get_users(url=""):
    """Get the users from a VidStatsX page."""
    r = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
    return [x.get('id') for x in soup.find_all("td") if x.get('id') is not None]

Now that we have a function to get the users, we can ask YouTube for information about them, including the start dates. From there, we can convert those dates into ages using a third function.

In [2]:
def get_start_dates(users):
    request_url = ""
    key = "&key=AIzaSyCZx95H8pP-csC_6G8mF5tv-kW_U20HJKs"
    responses = [ requests.get(request_url + x + key) for x in users] #Raw content from YouTube
    return [x.json()['items'][0]['snippet'].get('publishedAt') for x in responses if len(x.json()['items']) > 0]

def get_ages(users):
    start_dates = get_start_dates(users)
    return [int(( - arrow.get(x)).days) for x in start_dates]

With all of our functions written, we can use them to find the dates of the top 1000 channels.

Note that after the top 200, the pages start where the last one left off, so the top 500 most subscribed channels page includes only channels from 201 to 500.

In [3]:
top_users_ages = get_ages(get_users() +
             get_users("") + 
             get_users("") +

/Users/alec/.virtualenvs/notebook-new/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("html.parser"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.

To get rid of this warning, change this:

 BeautifulSoup([your markup])

to this:

 BeautifulSoup([your markup], "html.parser")


VidStatsX also includes charts by category, so we can get the results by category, too.

In [4]:
edu_ages = get_ages(get_users(""))
gaming_ages = get_ages(get_users(""))

In [5]:
url_prefix = ""

categories = {"Educational": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "education-channels")),
              "Games and Gaming": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "games-gaming-channels")),
              "Autos and Vehicles": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "autos-vehicles-channels")),
              "Comedy": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "comedy-channels")),
              "Entertainment": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "entertainment-channels")),
              "Film and Animation": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "film-animation-channels")),
              "How To and Style": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "how-to-style-channels")),
              "Music": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "music-channels")),
              "News and Politics": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "news-politics-channels")),
              "Nonprofit and Activism": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "nonprofit-activism-channels")),
              "People and Vlogs": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "people-vlogs-channels")),
              "Pets and Animals": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "pets-animals-channels")),
              "Science and Tech": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "science-tech-channels")),
              "Shows": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "shows-channels")),
              "Sports": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "sports-channels")),
              "Travel and Events": get_ages(get_users(url_prefix + "travel-events-channels"))

In [6]:
[(len(y), x) for x, y in categories.iteritems()]

[(100, 'Educational'),
 (100, 'Science and Tech'),
 (100, 'Autos and Vehicles'),
 (100, 'Pets and Animals'),
 (100, 'Entertainment'),
 (100, 'Travel and Events'),
 (100, 'How To and Style'),
 (99, 'Sports'),
 (100, 'Nonprofit and Activism'),
 (100, 'Film and Animation'),
 (100, 'Music'),
 (100, 'Games and Gaming'),
 (99, 'News and Politics'),
 (100, 'Comedy'),
 (100, 'People and Vlogs'),
 (100, 'Shows')]


The average channel in the top 1000 channels by most subscribers is about six years old.

(Note: VidStatsX treats YouTube's automatically generated channels, like #Music, as real channels and many of them have enough subscribers to be in the top 1000. Since the YouTube API (and most people, probably) do not consider them real channels, they're not included. Without these channels, there are only 964 channels in the dataset.)

In [7]:
def median(l):
    l = sorted(l) #sort the list
    if len(l) % 2 == 1: #Even number of items
        return float(l[len(l)/2])
        return float(l[len(l)/2]+l[(len(l)/2)-1])/2

average_age = sum(top_users_ages)/len(top_users_ages)
median_age = median(top_users_ages)
print("Average (days): " + str(average_age) + "; Median: " + str(median_age))
print("Average (years): " + str(average_age/365.0) + "; Median: " + str(median_age/365.0))
print("Number of channels: " + str(len(top_users_ages)))

Average (days): 2141; Median: 2088.5
Average (years): 5.86575342466; Median: 5.72191780822
Number of channels: 964

What about different types of channel?

Of the categories discussed on Cortex, Educational channels are slightly older than the average channel, by about six months. Gaming channels are on average only slightly younger, but the median gaming is much younger than the median channel, by about seven months.

In [8]:
edu_average_age = sum(edu_ages)/len(edu_ages)
edu_median_age = median(edu_ages)

print("Educational Average: " + str(edu_average_age/365.0) + "; Median: " + str(edu_median_age/365.0))

gaming_average_age = sum(gaming_ages)/len(gaming_ages)
gaming_median_age = median(gaming_ages)

print("Gaming Average: " + str(gaming_average_age/365.0) + "; Median: " + str(gaming_median_age/365.0))

Educational Average: 6.25205479452; Median: 6.2904109589
Gaming Average: 5.67671232877; Median: 5.08767123288

Data for the other categories listed on VidStatsX:

In [ ]:
for category_name, category_ages in categories.iteritems():
    average_age = sum(category_ages)/len(category_ages)
    median_age = median(category_ages)
    print(category_name + "\tAverage:\t" + str(average_age/365.0) + "\tMedian:\t" + str(median_age/365.0))

Educational		Average:	6.25205479452	Median:	6.2904109589
Science and Tech	Average:	6.75068493151	Median:	6.99726027397
Autos and Vehicles	Average:	7.3698630137	Median:	8.06301369863
Pets and Animals	Average:	5.78630136986	Median:	4.98493150685
Entertainment	Average:	6.23835616438	Median:	6.00684931507
Travel and Events	Average:	7.44109589041	Median:	7.53287671233
How To and Style	Average:	6.0	Median:	5.84657534247
Sports	Average:	7.2904109589	Median:	8.22739726027
Nonprofit and Activism	Average:	6.76712328767	Median:	7.08356164384
Film and Animation	Average:	6.62739726027	Median:	6.72054794521
Music		Average:	6.35068493151	Median:	6.3095890411
Games and Gaming	Average:	5.67671232877	Median:	5.08767123288
News and Politics	Average:	7.01369863014	Median:	7.80273972603
Comedy		Average:	6.52602739726	Median:	6.57808219178
People and Vlogs	Average:	5.83561643836	Median:	5.27260273973
Shows	Average:	7.01917808219	Median:	7.66301369863